Pla­s­tic tax: back­ground, obli­ga­ti­ons, examp­les

Pla­s­tic tax: back­ground, obli­ga­ti­ons, examp­les


Pla­s­tic tax – a clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on

In today’s socie­ty, the use of pla­s­tic is a hot­ly deba­ted topic, espe­ci­al­ly when it comes to envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion. Pla­s­tics, espe­ci­al­ly sin­gle-use pla­s­tics, are a major bur­den on our envi­ron­ment. In respon­se, both the Euro­pean Uni­on and indi­vi­du­al mem­ber sta­tes have taken mea­su­res to redu­ce pla­s­tic con­sump­ti­on and pro­mo­te recy­cling. The terms “pla­s­tic levy” and “pla­s­tic tax” are cen­tral in this con­text. But what exact­ly do they mean and what are the effects of the­se mea­su­res?

What are the dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween a pla­s­tic levy and a pla­s­tic tax?

Grafik Plastikabgabe vs. Plastiksteuer - Länder der EU

The EU pla­s­tic levy

Sin­ce 2021, the Euro­pean Uni­on has imple­men­ted a pla­s­tic levy, which is paid by the mem­ber sta­tes. This levy mounts to 0.80 €/kg of non-recy­cled pla­s­tic. The aim of this levy is to moti­va­te mem­ber sta­tes to take mea­su­res to redu­ce the amount of non-recy­cled pla­s­tic in was­te.

Natio­nal pla­s­tic tax

Some count­ries finan­ce the EU levy through the natio­nal bud­get, others have intro­du­ced spe­ci­fic taxes. Some mem­ber sta­tes have intro­du­ced their own pla­s­tic tax to finan­ce the EU pla­s­tic levy. This natio­nal tax is levied direct­ly on cer­tain pla­s­tic pro­ducts and aims to redu­ce the use of sin­gle-use pla­s­tic and pro­mo­te recy­cling.

The intro­duc­tion of the pla­s­tic tax in Ger­ma­ny

The pla­s­tic tax plan­ned for 2024 has been post­po­ned to 1 Janu­ary 2025.

This pla­s­tic tax ser­ves to refi­nan­ce the pla­s­tic levy paya­ble to the EU bud­get, which was pre­vious­ly finan­ced from the Ger­man fede­ral bud­get This decis­i­on fol­lows a pro­vi­si­on in the coali­ti­on agree­ment from the end of 2021, accor­ding to which the cos­ts are to be bor­ne by the manu­fac­tu­r­ers and dis­tri­bu­tors of pla­s­tic pro­ducts in future. The exact details of the basis of cal­cu­la­ti­on and who is lia­ble are still being cla­ri­fied, but it is expec­ted that the tax will be levied based on the amount of non-recy­cled pla­s­tic was­te.

Inter­na­tio­nal examp­les of the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the pla­s­tic levy


In France, simi­lar to Ger­ma­ny, the pla­s­tic tax is curr­ent­ly finan­ced from the fede­ral bud­get. An addi­tio­nal natio­nal pla­s­tic tax is not curr­ent­ly being plan­ned.


Spain has alre­a­dy intro­du­ced a pla­s­tic tax of 0.45 euros per kilo­gram of non-recy­cled pla­s­tic. This mea­su­re shows the country’s com­mit­ment to com­ba­ting pla­s­tic was­te and pro­mo­ting recy­cling.

Con­clu­si­on on the pla­s­tic tax

The intro­duc­tion of the pla­s­tic tax aims to redu­ce the pro­duc­tion and use of new pla­s­tics, which has signi­fi­cant envi­ron­men­tal bene­fits. The lack of a uni­form regu­la­ti­on poses a chall­enge for manu­fac­tu­r­ers and dea­lers when it comes to com­ply­ing with envi­ron­men­tal regu­la­ti­ons when export­ing to other Euro­pean count­ries.


The pla­s­tic levy is a fixed levy at EU level, while the pla­s­tic tax is a natio­nal tax levied on cer­tain pla­s­tic pro­ducts.

Until now, the pla­s­tic levy has been finan­ced from the fede­ral bud­get; From 1 Janu­ary 2025, it is to be refi­nan­ced by the pla­s­tic tax intro­du­ced for the fede­ral bud­get.

Some count­ries such as Spain have alre­a­dy intro­du­ced a pla­s­tic tax, others, such as France, con­ti­nue to finan­ce the EU pla­s­tic levy from the natio­nal bud­get.

The main objec­ti­ves of the pla­s­tic tax are to redu­ce the use of sin­gle- use pla­s­tics and to pro­mo­te recy­cling.

The tax is inte­ded to encou­ra­ge com­pa­nies to use lesss pla­s­tic and deve­lop more sus­tainable alter­na­ti­ves, which can ulti­m­ate­ly moti­va­te con­su­mers to use pla­s­tic more con­scious­ly.

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