Reco­no­my acqui­res Cir­cle Was­te to deepen out­sour­ced was­te manage­ment capa­bi­li­ties

Reco­no­my acqui­res Cir­cle Was­te to deepen out­sour­ced was­te manage­ment capa­bi­li­ties


Reco­no­my, the lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal cir­cu­lar eco­no­my spe­cia­list, announ­ces the acqui­si­ti­on of Cir­cle Was­te, a digi­tal-first, UK out­sour­ced was­te manage­ment pro­vi­der.

Focus on SMEs and the con­s­truc­tion indus­try

Cir­cle Waste’s core focus is on pro­vi­ding was­te manage­ment ser­vices to SME cus­to­mers in the UK, focu­sing on the con­s­truc­tion indus­try and clo­se­ly asso­cia­ted sec­tors, whe­re its digi­tal-first model is par­ti­cu­lar­ly attrac­ti­ve to small and mid-sized busi­nesses. Cir­cle Was­te has high­ly sophisti­ca­ted digi­tal mar­ke­ting exper­ti­se to attract new cus­to­mers and ranks very stron­gly in online sear­ches, lea­ving them per­fect­ly posi­tio­ned to cap­tu­re chan­ging buy­ing habits for was­te manage­ment ser­vices.

From its head­quar­ters in Kings Lynn, Cir­cle Was­te employs around 90 staff. In addi­ti­on to its core divi­si­ons of was­te manage­ment it also offers a ran­ge of digi­tal­ly pro­vi­ded rem­oval & dis­po­sal ser­vices.

Cir­cle Waste’s strengths com­bi­ned with Reconomy’s broad tech­no­lo­gy plat­form capa­bi­li­ties crea­tes a sca­ling oppor­tu­ni­ty to build on its alre­a­dy strong mar­ket posi­ti­on in the UK SME mar­ket.

Sus­tainable growth at Reco­no­my

Reco­no­my con­ti­nues to grow sus­tain­ab­ly, incre­asing annu­al reve­nues by 24% to £1.23 bil­li­on (FY 2023) as the busi­ness has expan­ded to ope­ra­te across more than 80 count­ries, with more than 4,000 col­le­agues and over 10,000 cus­to­mers.

Guy Wake­ley, Chief Exe­cu­ti­ve at Reco­no­my, sta­ted, “We are deligh­ted to wel­co­me Cir­cle Was­te to Reco­no­my which will acce­le­ra­te our growth in the SME mar­ket. We were impres­sed by Cir­cle Waste’s strong cus­to­mer rela­ti­onships and by its digi­tal mar­ke­ting exper­ti­se. “The Cir­cle Was­te lea­der­ship team, led by Chris Dear and Mark Gar­wood, will be com­mit­ting to Reco­no­my and adding their exper­ti­se to dri­ve for­ward this exci­ting new stage.”

Micha­el Ben­ton, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Reconomy’s Recy­cle Loop, added “Cir­cle Was­te enhan­ces our was­te manage­ment capa­bi­li­ties and crea­tes a plat­form for Reco­no­my to grow fur­ther within the SME seg­ment, espe­ci­al­ly in the con­s­truc­tion mar­ket. “As the mar­ket-lea­der in out­sour­ced resour­ce manage­ment in the UK, we have long been inves­t­ing into our tech­no­lo­gy capa­bi­li­ties to opti­mi­se our ope­ra­ti­ons and enhan­ce the cus­to­mer expe­ri­ence. Com­bi­ning their strengths in digi­tal mar­ke­ting with Reconomy’s tech-enab­led pro­po­si­ti­on, lea­ves us stron­gly posi­tio­ned to con­ti­nue to grow and pur­sue our pur­po­se of enab­ling the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my.”

Chris Dear, Mana­ging Direc­tor von Cir­cle Was­te, said: “We are deligh­ted to be joi­ning Reco­no­my. It pro­vi­des us with an out­stan­ding oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow our cus­to­mer base and com­bi­ne the tech­no­lo­gy dri­ven appli­ca­ti­ons and inno­va­ti­on alre­a­dy estab­lished within Reco­no­my with our exper­ti­se. This, cou­pled with our joint desi­re to help busi­nesses beco­me more sus­tainable within a cir­cu­lar eco­no­my is an exci­ting jour­ney to embark on tog­e­ther.”


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