“For many years now, we have relied on external specialists such as TÜV or now ESC Cert to review our processes. We thus regularly receive valuable feedback on our processes, which helps us to actively improve the cooperation with our customers.”

Rated with EcoVadis Silber Medal
EcoVadis, der globale Standard für Nachhaltigkeitsratings, has reviewed our sustainability performance and awarded us the Silver Medal. This confirms that we are on the right track in the areas of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG). With this result, we are among the top 15% of rated companies in our industry. Following the principle of continuous improvement, we are working to further optimize our performance in the future.

Certified according to ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is recognised worldwide as an international trademark. In 2017, Noventiz also decided to have its own processes and their effectiveness independently audited by industry-experienced auditors. Following a successful surveillance audit conducted by ESC Cert GmbH, Noventiz GmbH and Noventiz Dual GmbH have renewed their quality management system certification according to the international standard ISO 9001:2015. The surveillance audit took place at Noventiz’ offices in Cologne on 28–29 September 2023. The implementation of a quality management system demonstrates the commitment of Noventiz GmbH and Noventiz Dual GmbH to the highest quality standards for the benefit of our customers and Noventiz alike.

Certified Waste Management Company
Dated 24 September 20243, BFUB CERT Umweltprüfungsgesellschaft mbH re-certifies Noventiz meeting the requirements under Section 56 of the Circular Economy Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz, KrWG) and the Waste Disposal Company Ordinance (Entsorgungsfachbetriebsverordnung, EfbV). This entitles Noventiz to use the designation “Entsorgungsfachbetrieb für die abfallwirtschaftlichen Tätigkeiten Handeln und Makeln aller Abfallarten nach aktueller Abfallverzeichnisverordnung AVV” (disposal company for waste management of all types of waste under the current Waste Directory Ordinance (AVV). Introduction of the quality management system, Noventiz GmbH and Noventiz Dual GmbH underline their high quality standards for the benefit of our customers and Noventiz.

Packaging Direct online shop certified by Trusted Shops
With its Packaging Direct online shop, Noventiz provides direct and legally secure packaging licensing. The platform has been awarded the Trusted Shops seal. This is an independent confirmation that Packaging Direct offers a secure transaction, and takes data protection, transparency and customer service seriously.