Noventiz Packaging Direct is certified by Trusted Shops
Through its Packaging Direct online shop, Noventiz offers direct and legally secure packaging licensing. The platform has been awarded the Trusted Shops Trustmark. This is an independent confirmation that Packaging Direct offers a secure transaction, and takes data protection, transparency and customer service seriously.
The Trusted Shops Trustmark offers help in times of increasing insecurity
E‑commerce sales are growing, and with them, the number of fraud cases. What’s more, new online shops are appearing all the time, and well-known ones are disappearing. This makes it difficult to choose a trustworthy supplier and assess their credentials. That’s where the Trusted Shops Trustmark comes in. For more than 20 years, this trustmark has been used to identify particularly secure and trustworthy online shops. In a certification process lasting several weeks, experts check whether the strict quality criteria are being met. The trustmark can only be used once the certification process has been passed. In this way, consumers can immediately see whether an online shop or a website is safe to use.
What exactly does the Trusted Shops Trustmark mean?
The Trusted Shops Trustmark confirms that Packaging Direct meets all the requirements necessary to be considered a safe online shop.
- The process starts with checking the identity and creditworthiness of a business. The next step focuses on criteria such as data protection, availability and service.
- In the case of Packaging Direct, this means that your personal customer data is treated confidentially under the Trusted Shop regulations. We only collect the data we absolutely need, and the transmission is always encrypted. Noventiz also impressed with its availability and service: Questions or problems are answered quickly by a personal contact who provides excellent service.
- What’s more, the entire order process is clearly displayed – from the first click to the order confirmation. There are no hidden costs or opaque terms and conditions.
How do consumers benefit?
The Trusted Shops Trustmark shows consumers that they are dealing with a certified – and therefore secure – online shop, offering a positive shopping experience. Consumers can also leave a review. This helps potential customers and gives the business valuable feedback to improve its processes.
Trusted Shops also offers a special buyer protection. The free version insures purchases up to 100 euros, even for unperformed services, purely digital content or in the event of the company’s insolvency.
Noventiz – a trusted partner with 15 years’ experience
Noventiz is a trustworthy partner with 15 years’ experience in recycling services. See for yourself and test our certified Packaging Direct calculator.
Source: Trusted Shops