Noven­tiz Pack­a­ging Direct is cer­ti­fied by Trus­ted Shops

Noven­tiz Pack­a­ging Direct is cer­ti­fied by Trus­ted Shops


Through its Pack­a­ging Direct online shop, Noven­tiz offers direct and legal­ly secu­re pack­a­ging licen­sing. The plat­form has been award­ed the Trus­ted Shops Trust­mark. This is an inde­pen­dent con­fir­ma­ti­on that Pack­a­ging Direct offers a secu­re tran­sac­tion, and takes data pro­tec­tion, trans­pa­ren­cy and cus­to­mer ser­vice serious­ly.

The Trus­ted Shops Trust­mark offers help in times of incre­asing inse­cu­ri­ty

E‑commerce sales are gro­wing, and with them, the num­ber of fraud cases. What’s more, new online shops are appearing all the time, and well-known ones are dis­ap­pearing. This makes it dif­fi­cult to choo­se a trust­wor­t­hy sup­pli­er and assess their cre­den­ti­als. That’s whe­re the Trus­ted Shops Trust­mark comes in. For more than 20 years, this trust­mark has been used to iden­ti­fy par­ti­cu­lar­ly secu­re and trust­wor­t­hy online shops. In a cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pro­cess las­ting seve­ral weeks, experts check whe­ther the strict qua­li­ty cri­te­ria are being met. The trust­mark can only be used once the cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pro­cess has been pas­sed. In this way, con­su­mers can imme­dia­te­ly see whe­ther an online shop or a web­site is safe to use.

What exact­ly does the Trus­ted Shops Trust­mark mean?

The Trus­ted Shops Trust­mark con­firms that Pack­a­ging Direct meets all the requi­re­ments neces­sa­ry to be con­side­red a safe online shop.

  • The pro­cess starts with che­cking the iden­ti­ty and cre­dit­wort­hi­ness of a busi­ness. The next step focu­ses on cri­te­ria such as data pro­tec­tion, avai­la­bi­li­ty and ser­vice.
  • In the case of Pack­a­ging Direct, this means that your per­so­nal cus­to­mer data is trea­ted con­fi­den­ti­al­ly under the Trus­ted Shop regu­la­ti­ons. We only coll­ect the data we abso­lut­e­ly need, and the trans­mis­si­on is always encrypt­ed. Noven­tiz also impres­sed with its avai­la­bi­li­ty and ser­vice: Ques­ti­ons or pro­blems are ans­we­red quick­ly by a per­so­nal cont­act who pro­vi­des excel­lent ser­vice.
  • What’s more, the enti­re order pro­cess is cle­ar­ly dis­play­ed – from the first click to the order con­fir­ma­ti­on. The­re are no hid­den cos­ts or opaque terms and con­di­ti­ons.

How do con­su­mers bene­fit?

The Trus­ted Shops Trust­mark shows con­su­mers that they are deal­ing with a cer­ti­fied – and the­r­e­fo­re secu­re – online shop, offe­ring a posi­ti­ve shop­ping expe­ri­ence. Con­su­mers can also lea­ve a review. This helps poten­ti­al cus­to­mers and gives the busi­ness valuable feed­back to impro­ve its pro­ces­ses.
Trus­ted Shops also offers a spe­cial buy­er pro­tec­tion. The free ver­si­on insu­res purcha­ses up to 100 euros, even for unper­for­med ser­vices, purely digi­tal con­tent or in the event of the company’s insol­ven­cy.

Noven­tiz – a trus­ted part­ner with 15 years’ expe­ri­ence

Noven­tiz is a trust­wor­t­hy part­ner with 15 years’ expe­ri­ence in recy­cling ser­vices. See for yours­elf and test our cer­ti­fied Pack­a­ging Direct cal­cu­la­tor.

Source: Trus­ted Shops

We’re experts in packaging licensing, all types of take-back solutions and the assessment of recyclability in accordance with Section 21 of the German Packaging Act (VerpackG).