Why should you assess your pack­a­ging for recy­cla­bi­li­ty?

Verbraucherin prüft Recyclingfähigkeit der Verpackung

Our ser­vices: Asses­sing, cer­ti­fy­ing and opti­mi­sing pack­a­ging recy­cla­bi­li­ty

We will ana­ly­se your pack­a­ging sub­ject to man­da­to­ry par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and deve­lop sug­ges­ti­ons for impro­ve­ment to achie­ve a future-ori­en­ted pack­a­ging design. With rota­te, Noventiz’s own label, we have a modu­lar solu­ti­on for asses­sing and opti­mi­sing the recy­cla­bi­li­ty of your pack­a­ging.

Kaffee Verpackung

What does the Ger­man Pack­a­ging Act say about recy­cla­bi­li­ty?

Sin­ce 2022, the Ger­man Pack­a­ging Act has set spe­ci­fic reco­very rates for dif­fe­rent types of mate­ri­als. One of the fac­tors that can help to achie­ve the tar­get rate is to design the pack­a­ging that is as recy­clable as pos­si­ble. This pro­vi­si­on is in line with a num­ber of EU mea­su­res to mana­ge and redu­ce the amount of pla­s­tic was­te gene­ra­ted. One of the­se mea­su­res is the addi­tio­nal “pla­s­tic tax” of 80 cents per kg of non-recy­cled pla­s­tic (for each Mem­ber Sta­te) from 2021. This will increase the importance of recy­clable pack­a­ging design for busi­nesses.

What are the mini­mum cri­te­ria for asses­sing recy­cla­bi­li­ty?

In order to assess the per­cen­ta­ge of mate­ri­al sui­ta­ble for recy­cling, the fol­lo­wing mini­mum requi­re­ments must be che­cked and taken into con­side­ra­ti­on:


Pro­duct pro­tec­tion and recy­cla­bi­li­ty of ice-cream pack­a­ging by Möven­pick (Fro­ne­ri)

Recyclingfähige Eisverpackung von Mövenpick
Recyclingfähigkeit bei der Eisverpackung von Mövenpick

I would be hap­py to advi­se you on how to assess recy­cla­bi­li­ty. Ask for a quo­te now – no strings atta­ched.

Inter­view: Here’s what an asses­sor says about the pro­cess of asses­sing recy­cla­bi­li­ty

Inter­view with audi­tor Dipl.- Ing. Tho­mas Staudt from SRE GmbH. Tho­mas Staudt has work­ed in the field of mate­ri­als and was­te manage­ment assess­ment. He is one of the rota­te audi­tors.

To assess recy­cla­bi­li­ty, we need detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about the com­po­si­ti­on of pack­a­ging mate­ri­als. This infor­ma­ti­on is indi­ca­ted on the packaging’s data sheet and con­firm­ed by a pack­a­ging sam­ple pro­vi­ded by the cus­to­mer. Let’s take a pla­s­tic cup with a paper slee­ve as an exam­p­le. The ques­ti­on is: What is the per­cen­ta­ge of each part? In order to mea­su­re the recy­cla­bi­li­ty of pack­a­ging sub­ject to man­da­to­ry par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, we fol­low the mini­mum stan­dard set by the cen­tral regis­ter (Sec­tion 21, para. 3 of the Ger­man Pack­a­ging Act), which is revi­sed annu­al­ly.

Cus­to­mers can upload the data sheet spe­ci­fy­ing the pack­a­ging mate­ri­als through the Noven­tiz online por­tal. Once we have recei­ved a sam­ple of the pack­a­ging, we will start to inspect and test it. We always use the appli­ca­ble mini­mum stan­dard set by the cen­tral regis­ter. Once we have asses­sed the level of recy­cla­bi­li­ty, we issue a cer­ti­fi­ca­te, which is valid for two years. As a next step, the cus­to­mer can ask us to opti­mi­se the pack­a­ging. Becau­se we want to pro­vi­de a relia­ble and rea­li­stic assess­ment, we will need to phy­si­cal­ly hold the pack­a­ging in our hands and look at it clo­se­ly. This allows us to assess how the pack­a­ging would per­form in a sort­ing faci­li­ty. In my opi­ni­on, a mere online assess­ment is not as con­clu­si­ve.

The­re are a num­ber of fac­tors:

1. Infra­struc­tu­re: Is the­re infra­struc­tu­re in place to sort the pack­a­ging? Are the­re any cha­rac­te­ristics that would make it dif­fi­cult to recy­cle, such as sili­con car­tridges for cer­tain types of pla­s­tic? The­se ques­ti­ons are ans­we­red on the basis of the exis­ting spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. If a pack­a­ging meets cer­tain spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on cri­te­ria, it can be easi­ly sor­ted.

2. A Sor­ta­bi­li­ty: Can the pack­a­ging be sor­ted in the plant using opti­cal sen­sors, such as infrared tech­no­lo­gy? Dif­fe­rent types of pla­s­tics, paper and board, com­po­si­tes, bevera­ge car­tons, glass, paper and wood can obvious­ly be sor­ted. For pack­a­ging that does not cle­ar­ly fall into one of the­se cate­go­ries, we car­ry out spe­ci­fic opti­cal sort­ing tests in our labo­ra­to­ry.

2. B Sepa­ra­bi­li­ty: To enable reco­very, mate­ri­als or their com­pon­ents must be sor­ta­ble. This depends on cri­te­ria such as the den­si­ty of poly­o­lef­ins or the wet strength of paper pack­a­ging.

3. Incom­pa­ti­bi­li­ty: Sub­s­tances or com­bi­na­ti­ons of mate­ri­als that would not allow for suc­cessful reco­very are not sui­ta­ble. An exam­p­le is poly­ethy­le­ne pack­a­ging with a PVC coa­ting.

The exact level of recy­cla­bi­li­ty is deter­mi­ned by the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents in the pack­a­ging or the main recy­clable mate­ri­al, which deter­mi­nes the level of recy­cla­bi­li­ty at a par­ti­cu­lar faci­li­ty.

Ide­al­ly, recy­cling is con­side­red at the design stage. That’s why it’s important to think about recy­cling at the begin­ning of a pro­ject. The most important fac­tor is to keep the num­ber of dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als as low as pos­si­ble. The fewer dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als, the easier it is to recy­cle. And you should always ask yours­elf if reco­very is pos­si­ble using the exis­ting recy­cling infra­struc­tu­re. See recy­cla­bi­li­ty cri­te­ria

Thank you, Mr Staudt!

Click here to request a quo­te for rota­te

FAQs on asses­sing recy­cla­bi­li­ty

Pack­a­ging must be pro­du­ced and dis­tri­bu­ted in such a way that the volu­me and mass of the pack­a­ging is kept to a mini­mum, and that reu­se or recy­cling is pos­si­ble. The main point is the increased rate com­pared with tho­se in the Pack­a­ging Ordi­nan­ce. They are 75% hig­her than tho­se in the Pack­a­ging Ordi­nan­ce for the reu­se of pla­s­tics – with a lower sui­ta­bi­li­ty for recy­cling of pla­s­tic pack­a­ging.

  1. The­re must be an infra­struc­tu­re for sort­ing the pack­a­ging.
  2. The high-value mate­ri­al in the pack­a­ging must be sor­ta­ble, and the pack­a­ging com­pon­ents must be sepa­ra­ble to allow effec­ti­ve mate­ri­al recy­cling.
  3. None of the mate­ri­als con­tai­ned in the pack­a­ging or pack­a­ging com­pon­ents must be unsui­ta­ble for recy­cling, thus pre­ven­ting suc­cessful reco­very.

Cus­to­mers can upload the data sheet spe­ci­fy­ing the pack­a­ging mate­ri­als through the Noven­tiz online por­tal. Once we have recei­ved the emp­ty pack­a­ging, we will assess and test it. We always use the appli­ca­ble mini­mum stan­dard set by the cen­tral regis­ter. Once we have asses­sed the level of recy­cla­bi­li­ty, we issue a cer­ti­fi­ca­te, which is valid for two years. As a next step, the cus­to­mer can ask us to opti­mi­se the pack­a­ging.

In order to mea­su­re the recy­cla­bi­li­ty of pack­a­ging sub­ject to man­da­to­ry par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, we fol­low the mini­mum stan­dard set by the cen­tral regis­ter. The assess­ment is based on the ver­si­on of the mini­mum stan­dard valid at the time of test­ing.

Our assess­ment is based on the infra­struc­tu­re that exists in Ger­ma­ny. Each coun­try has a uni­que sys­tem for coll­ec­ting, sort­ing and recy­cling was­te. If a coun­try has a simi­lar infra­struc­tu­re, you can assu­me that the result will be valid the­re.

A cer­ti­fi­ca­te is valid for a mini­mum of two years from the date of issue. If the qua­li­ty or quan­ti­ty of the pack­a­ging chan­ges from the com­pon­ents ori­gi­nal­ly tes­ted, the cer­ti­fi­ca­te will no lon­ger be valid.

Over­all pack­a­ging:

This is the emp­ty pack­a­ging as a who­le, inclu­ding its com­pon­ents, such as labels, seal­ing foil, lids and clo­sures, adhe­si­ve appli­ca­ti­ons, etc. It is not per­mit­ted to assess the recy­cla­bi­li­ty based on the theo­re­ti­cal sepa­ra­ti­on of the pack­a­ging into its indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents. Howe­ver, this rule does not app­ly to com­bi­na­ti­on pack­a­ging.

Com­bi­na­ti­on pack­a­ging:

Com­bi­na­ti­on pack­a­ging is sales pack­a­ging con­sis­ting of seve­ral com­pon­ents made from dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als that can be manu­al­ly sepa­ra­ted.

After a posi­ti­ve assess­ment, it is pos­si­ble to use our rota­te brand logo on the pack­a­ging on the basis of a brand uti­li­sa­ti­on.