Unternehmerin freut sich über leichte Verpackungslizenzierung in Europa

What’s the EU Pack­a­ging Direc­ti­ve?

Just as Ger­ma­ny has its Ger­man Pack­a­ging Act, other count­ries have their own natio­nal pack­a­ging laws. The­se are based on the EU Pack­a­ging Direc­ti­ve (Direc­ti­ve 94/62/EC) and its amend­ment, Direc­ti­ve (EC) 2018/852 of 4 July 2018. The Direc­ti­ve then had to be trans­po­sed into natio­nal law in each EU Mem­ber Sta­te. As a result, the basis of pack­a­ging legis­la­ti­on is the same in all EU count­ries, but the details and how it is imple­men­ted, vary from coun­try to coun­try, resul­ting in dif­fe­rent rules.

This means that when you place packa­ged pro­ducts on the mar­ket abroad (e.g., by sel­ling them), you have to com­ply with natio­nal laws and regu­la­ti­ons – and the­se may vary great­ly.

Pack­a­ging licen­sing in Euro­pe: the chal­lenges

  • Many dif­fe­rent laws, direc­ti­ves, regu­la­ti­ons, etc..
  • Often only available in the local lan­guage.
  • Report­ing fre­quen­cy and cal­cu­la­ti­on models can vary.
  • Dif­fe­rent types of take-back obli­ga­ti­ons for pack­a­ging.
  • Dif­fe­rent label­ling and infor­ma­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons.
  • Pen­al­ties for non-com­pli­ance.
  • Some­ti­mes annu­al chan­ges in the legis­la­ti­on in indi­vi­du­al EU Mem­ber Sta­tes.
  • What’s more, new regu­la­ti­ons have been intro­du­ced as a result of the EU’s Sin­gle Use Pla­s­tics Direc­ti­ve, which must be imple­men­ted in each coun­try.

Pack­a­ging licen­sing in Euro­pe: Who is affec­ted?

Pack­a­ging licen­sing in Euro­pe: One model – many opti­ons for you

Do you sell pro­ducts to other Euro­pean count­ries?

Make sure you are com­pli­ant!

Which count­ries does our ser­vice cover?

  • Bel­gi­um
  • Bul­ga­ria
  • Den­mark
  • Esto­nia
  • Fin­land
  • France
  • Greece
  • Ire­land
  • Ita­ly
  • Croa­tia
  • Lat­via
  • Lithua­nia
  • Luxem­bourg
  • Mal­ta
  • Mace­do­nia
  • Net­her­lands
  • Nor­way
  • Aus­tria
  • Pol­and
  • Por­tu­gal
  • Roma­nia
  • Swe­den
  • Switz­er­land
  • Ser­bia
  • Slo­va­kia
  • Slove­nia
  • Spain
  • Czech Repu­blic
  • UK
  • Hun­ga­ry
  • Cyprus
eu services map overview



  • Dif­fe­rent types of report­ing
  • Obli­ga­ti­on to regis­ter
  • Label­ling obli­ga­ti­on (Tri­man logo with sort­ing infor­ma­ti­on)
  • Infor­ma­ti­on obli­ga­ti­on
  • Online mar­ket­places requi­re regis­tra­ti­on num­ber


  • Dif­fe­rent types of report­ing
  • Regis­tra­ti­on with minis­try
  • Appoint­ment of aut­ho­ri­sed repre­sen­ta­ti­ve
  • Infor­ma­ti­on obli­ga­ti­on
Verpackungslizenzierung in Frankreich Verpackung mit Sortierhinweis und Triman Logo

Other ser­vices

Over­view of man­da­to­ry label­ling of pack­a­ging in the EU

Com­pa­nies in many Euro­pean count­ries are obli­ga­ted to label their pack­a­ging with cer­tain sym­bols to make recy­cling easier for con­su­mers. The natio­nal regu­la­ti­ons of the indi­vi­du­al count­ries have spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments in this regard, as the exam­p­le of France shows, whe­re the Tri­man logo has been man­da­to­ry on pack­a­ging sin­ce 2022. Our EU Ser­vice team has crea­ted a gui­de that pro­vi­des an over­view of the cur­rent man­da­to­ry label­ling regu­la­ti­ons in Euro­pe.

Sort­ing infor­ma­ti­on

If you do not have your own gra­phic design depart­ment and need our assis­tance, we will be hap­py to design a label for that coun­try as a sepa­ra­te ser­vice.

Imple­men­ting your obli­ga­ti­ons for prin­ting paper in France

In addi­ti­on to pack­a­ging, France also has regu­la­ti­ons con­cer­ning prin­ting paper. Pro­du­cers have to regis­ter and may have to pay fees. Our EU ser­vice covers this too!

Com­bi­ned strength: 1 team – 31 count­ries

Our pack­a­ging licen­sing team for Euro­pe

Noventiz-Team Verpackungslizenzierung Europa

Our ser­vice – your bene­fits

Wri­te to us

    All ent­ries mark­ed with an aste­risk (*) are man­da­to­ry.

    FAQs on pack­a­ging licen­sing in Euro­pe

    The EU Pack­a­ging Direc­ti­ve is a pie­ce of Euro­pean Uni­on legis­la­ti­on. The EU Pack­a­ging Direc­ti­ve (Direc­ti­ve 94/62/EC) and its amend­ment, Direc­ti­ve (EU) 2018/852 of 4 July 2018 regu­la­te pack­a­ging manage­ment in EU Mem­ber Sta­tes.

    No, you can’t! Licen­sing through a dual sys­tem in Ger­ma­ny, such as Noven­tiz, only covers the pack­a­ging volu­me pla­ced on the mar­ket in Ger­ma­ny. If you sell packa­ged pro­ducts abroad, you must obtain a licence in the respec­ti­ve count­ries.

    This depends on the laws of the coun­try con­cer­ned. Some count­ries app­ly a de mini­mis limit, abo­ve which regis­tra­ti­on and licen­sing is man­da­to­ry. In the majo­ri­ty of count­ries, the licen­sing or regis­tra­ti­on obli­ga­ti­on starts with the first gram of pack­a­ging, which means that even initi­al dis­tri­bu­tors of mini­mal quan­ti­ties must regis­ter and licen­se their pack­a­ging.

    No, it isn’t! This is becau­se each coun­try has dif­fe­rent regis­tra­ti­on and licen­sing requi­re­ments. In some count­ries, regis­tra­ti­on is free of char­ge, but most count­ries char­ge a regis­tra­ti­on or admi­nis­tra­ti­on fee, or they may even requi­re an aut­ho­ri­sed repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, which adds to the cost. Our con­tract ser­vice pro­vi­des full and trans­pa­rent infor­ma­ti­on.

    No, it isn’t! The cal­cu­la­ti­on of the licence fee varies bet­ween count­ries, as does the pri­ce per ton­ne of each type of mate­ri­al. This is becau­se the respon­si­ble take-back sche­mes are based on dif­fe­rent cal­cu­la­ti­on cri­te­ria. As in Ger­ma­ny, the pri­ce can vary accor­ding to the type of mate­ri­al and the mass. It may also depend on the design of the pack­a­ging. In some count­ries, the­re are addi­tio­nal cos­ts for admi­nis­tra­ti­on, regis­tra­ti­on and aut­ho­ri­sed repre­sen­ta­ti­on. Our con­tract ser­vice pro­vi­des full and trans­pa­rent infor­ma­ti­on.

    No, the­re isn’t! You only pay the ser­vice fee per coun­try as spe­ci­fied in your con­tract. We do not char­ge an addi­tio­nal fee for invoices from for­eign was­te manage­ment com­pa­nies – we sim­ply for­ward them to you once we have che­cked them.

    The­re is no uni­ver­sal label­ling obli­ga­ti­on for EU count­ries. Curr­ent­ly (June 2023) the fol­lo­wing label­ling obli­ga­ti­ons app­ly to pack­a­ging in Bul­ga­ria, France and Ita­ly:

    France: Sort­ing infor­ma­ti­on is man­da­to­ry; this con­sists of the Tri­man logo and the pack­a­ging and dis­po­sal pic­to­gram to be crea­ted for the spe­ci­fic pack­a­ging.

    Ita­ly: The label depends on the tar­get group of the pack­a­ging. The alpha­nu­me­ric code of the respec­ti­ve pack­a­ging mate­ri­al must always be indi­ca­ted. Pack­a­ging for final con­su­mers (B2C) must be label­led with infor­ma­ti­on on the sepa­ra­te was­te coll­ec­tion in Ita­li­an.

    Bul­ga­ria: Simi­lar to Ita­ly, in Bul­ga­ria pack­a­ging must bear an alpha­nu­me­ric code. It must also bear the Möbi­us strip and the Tidy­man pic­to­gram­me.

    We will be hap­py to advi­se you on the label­ling obli­ga­ti­ons that app­ly to you, and pro­vi­de the cor­rect sort­ing infor­ma­ti­on as a sepa­ra­te ser­vice.

    No, the­re isn’t! As of 1 Janu­ary 2023, the Green Dot is also no lon­ger requi­red in Spain.

    Each coun­try has its own set of sanc­tions, which vary in scope and natu­re, depen­ding on the seve­ri­ty of the non-com­pli­ance. It can ran­ge from a war­ning let­ter to a five-figu­re fine. In the worst case, a com­pa­ny may be ban­ned from con­ti­nuing to sell pro­ducts in that coun­try.