Reco­no­my acqui­res GEE Ser­vices and expands WEEE ser­vices

Reco­no­my acqui­res GEE Ser­vices and expands WEEE ser­vices


The Reco­no­my Group has acqui­red GEE Ser­vices GmbH, based in Lebach, Ger­ma­ny. GEE Ser­vices has been an estab­lished ser­vice pro­vi­der for manu­fac­tu­r­ers and dis­tri­bu­tors of elec­tri­cal and elec­tro­nic equip­ment (EEE) in Ger­ma­ny and other count­ries for 13 years. As a cer­ti­fied pro­du­cer gua­ran­tee sys­tem, GEE offers insol­ven­cy-pro­of gua­ran­tees for finan­cing the take-back and dis­po­sal of EEE.

The Reco­no­my Group’s Com­ply Divi­si­on con­sists of Val­pak (UK), Noven­tiz (Ger­ma­ny), RLG (Inter­na­tio­nal, HQ in Ger­ma­ny) and RENE AG (Ger­ma­ny), alre­a­dy pro­vi­ding a com­pre­hen­si­ve glo­bal sus­taina­bi­li­ty con­sul­tancy and envi­ron­men­tal com­pli­ance ser­vice to major cus­to­mers in all sec­tors. GEE will be stra­te­gi­cal­ly ali­gned with Noven­tiz and will deve­lop EEE take-back ser­vices for all are­as of the Group’s Com­ply Divi­si­on, so that cli­ents can bene­fit from a com­ple­te and com­pre­hen­si­ve solu­ti­on.

Dr Paul Albert Ruhr, foun­der, owner and Mana­ging Direc­tor of GEE Ser­vices, comm­ents: “I have been run­ning GEE with pas­si­on for 13 years, always put­ting my client’s needs first. I know that the­se values will con­ti­nue to be cru­cial in the future and I belie­ve that GEE will bene­fit from the Reco­no­my Group’s exten­si­ve net­work.” Dirk Box­ham­mer, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Noven­tiz, stres­ses: “GEE per­fect­ly com­ple­ments our ran­ge of WEEE com­pli­ance solu­ti­ons. We are deligh­ted to be able to build on the foun­da­ti­on that Dr Ruhr has estab­lished over many years and to deve­lop it fur­ther for the bene­fit of our cli­ents.”

Paul Cox, Chief Exe­cu­ti­ve of Reco­no­my Group, con­cludes: “GEE Ser­vices is a gre­at addi­ti­on to the port­fo­lio of the Com­ply Divi­si­on of the Reco­no­my Group. The acqui­si­ti­on fur­ther streng­thens our ran­ge of ser­vices. It is part of our stra­te­gic road­map to make the Reco­no­my Group a lea­ding glo­bal play­er in envi­ron­men­tal com­pli­ance and sus­tainable solu­ti­ons for the take-back of pro­ducts and mate­ri­als. We would like to extend a warm wel­co­me to all GEE employees to the Reco­no­my Group.”


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