Reco­no­my offers inte­gra­ted glo­bal com­pli­ance solu­ti­ons

Reco­no­my offers inte­gra­ted glo­bal com­pli­ance solu­ti­ons


Asch­heim/­Co­lo­gne/S­trat­ford-upon-Avon, 22-06-2023

Three of the lar­gest names in com­pli­ance have com­bi­ned deca­des of exper­ti­se to launch an unri­val­led glo­bal ser­vice offe­ring, Com­ply Loop. With offices alre­a­dy in place around the world, the new offe­ring will help busi­nesses to meet com­pli­ance needs across natio­nal boun­da­ries, mana­ge com­plex cir­cu­lar take-back for pro­ducts, and pro­vi­de the tools and exper­ti­se nee­ded to ana­ly­se lar­ge volu­mes of data.

Patrick Wie­demann, CEO of the Reconomy’s Com­ply Divi­si­on, said: “The sca­le and chal­lenges of com­pli­ance are gro­wing at a phe­no­me­nal rate. Throug­hout Euro­pe, we are see­ing both upgrades to exis­ting regu­la­ti­on and the intro­duc­tion of new legis­la­ti­on for pro­ducts such as tex­ti­les. Other regi­ons, such as North Ame­ri­ca and Asia, have fol­lo­wed suit. For the brands navi­ga­ting the­se sys­tems – and sta­tes loo­king to imple­ment effec­ti­ve sys­tems – the chal­lenges are com­plex.

“We alre­a­dy ser­vice over 15,000 cus­to­mers, inclu­ding For­tu­ne 500 brands, and our inte­gra­ted capa­bi­li­ties in Com­ply Loop are a key part of Reconomy’s pur­po­se to enable the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my. Bet­ween our brands Val­pak, RLG and Noven­tiz, we share a depth of expe­ri­ence in ope­ra­ting com­pli­ance sche­mes and run­ning pro­du­cer respon­si­bi­li­ty orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. This, com­bi­ned with our skill in data manage­ment and the abili­ty to mana­ge vast net­works, gives us the abili­ty to expand quick­ly into new mar­kets. For exam­p­le, in just one year we pul­led on exis­ting exper­ti­se to build a muni­ci­pal coll­ec­tion sys­tem for almost 100 Cana­di­an muni­ci­pa­li­ties. In the UK our teams are ana­ly­sing data and advi­sing brands on new EPR regu­la­ti­ons, while in India, we are hel­ping to imple­ment new was­te elec­tri­cal and elec­tro­nic equip­ment (WEEE), bat­tery and tyre regu­la­ti­ons.”

The new ser­vice is based on five cate­go­ries:

  • Envi­ron­men­tal Com­pli­ance ope­ra­ting in coun­try PROs, will help brands to assess and ful­fil their obli­ga­ti­ons, as well as regis­tering and report­ing on their behalf.
  • Data Manage­ment pairs legis­la­ti­on with high-qua­li­ty pro­duct data through inno­va­ti­ve tools and an expert con­sul­ting team, to sim­pli­fy com­pli­ance report­ing, ana­ly­se data and help make meaningful chan­ges.
  • Depo­sit Returns has a track record in hel­ping to imple­ment or ope­ra­te suc­cessful depo­sit return sys­tems.
  • Con­sul­tancy & Advice pro­vi­des a ran­ge of bespo­ke ser­vices, inclu­ding: hori­zon scan­ning for future legis­la­ti­on; pack­a­ging ana­ly­sis; car­bon foot­prin­ting, and zero was­te to land­fill cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on.
  • Cir­cu­lar Take-Back sys­tems deve­lop cus­to­mi­sed solu­ti­ons for take-back and recy­cling, com­ple­te with a full data trail.


While Val­pak, RLG and Noven­tiz will con­ti­nue to ser­vice their cus­to­mers direct­ly the inte­gra­ted solu­ti­on will pro­vi­de signi­fi­cant­ly enhan­ced exper­ti­se and over­all out­co­mes. For exam­p­le, whe­re Val­pak spe­cia­li­ses in data ser­vices and con­sul­ting, Noven­tiz and RLG have expe­ri­ence in ope­ra­ting pro­du­cer respon­si­bi­li­ty orga­ni­sa­ti­ons (PROs) and cir­cu­lar take-back. RLG’s offices around the world – from Los Ange­les to Lima, and Bei­jng to Bucha­rest – will help each of the com­pa­nies to pro­vi­de a deeper under­stan­ding of com­pli­ance mar­kets glo­bal­ly.

Patrick Wie­demann, Ste­ve Gough and Dirk Box­ham­mer are available for inter­views to dis­cuss the com­ple­xi­ties of inter­na­tio­nal com­pli­ance, and the inno­va­ti­ve oppor­tu­ni­ties crea­ted through cir­cu­lar take-back sys­tems.

Editor’s notes:


About Reco­no­my

Reco­no­my is an asset-light pro­vi­der of tech enab­led solu­ti­ons for the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my.  The emer­gence and adop­ti­on of the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my is an essen­ti­al ele­ment of the quest to arrest cli­ma­te chan­ge, and our busi­ness aims to play a key role in hel­ping our cli­ents imple­ment prac­ti­cal mea­su­res to impro­ve their cir­cu­la­ri­ty.  Our visi­on is a was­te-free world, and our pur­po­se is to enable the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my for our cus­to­mers, hel­ping them to set and satis­fy their ESG goals and to beco­me bet­ter busi­nesses.

Reco­no­my has mul­ti­ple tech-enab­led and pro­prie­ta­ry capa­bi­li­ties, which are orga­nis­ed into three ‘loops’:

  • Recy­cle – pro­vi­ding a plat­form to con­nect busi­nesses that pro­du­ce was­te with tho­se that can uti­li­se it, auto­ma­ting pro­ces­ses, pro­vi­ding clo­sed recy­cling loops, and deve­lo­ping pro­prie­ta­ry tech­no­lo­gies to refi­ne and impro­ve was­te, tur­ning it into a resour­ce.
  • Com­ply – desig­ning, imple­men­ting and ope­ra­ting envi­ron­men­tal com­pli­ance sche­mes and cir­cu­lar take-back sys­tems, with more than 40 glo­bal Pro­du­cer Respon­si­bi­li­ty Orga­ni­sa­ti­ons for bat­te­ries, elec­tri­cal was­te and pack­a­ging
  • Re-use – pro­vi­ding rever­se logi­stics for glo­bal con­su­mer brands to impro­ve the cus­to­mer returns expe­ri­ence and increase re-use for retail pro­ducts, working for Micro­soft, Nike, Under Armour and HP.


In each of the­se loops, it is the plat­form-like natu­re of the ser­vice model, the rich­ness of our data and report­ing and the pas­si­on of our peo­p­le that distin­gu­is­hes us in both emer­ging and estab­lished glo­bal mar­kets.

Val­pak, RLG and Noven­tiz are brands by Reco­no­my.



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