Season’s Gree­tings and a Hap­py New Year 2025

Season’s Gree­tings and a Hap­py New Year 2025


We would like to thank our part­ners and customers—explicitly on behalf of all our employees—for the trust pla­ced in us and the coope­ra­ti­ve col­la­bo­ra­ti­on this year.

Fore­go­ing prin­ted Christ­mas cards and pro­mo­tio­nal gifts to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment has been a tra­di­ti­on for us for some time. Ins­tead, we sup­port sel­ec­ted cha­ri­ta­ble orga­niza­ti­ons in their work with a dona­ti­on:

  • Hel­ping Hands Colo­gne e.V.
    Sin­ce 2014, this asso­cia­ti­on has been dedi­ca­ted to hel­ping the home­l­ess and nee­dy in Colo­gne, pro­vi­ding them with hot meals, drinks, clot­hing, and much more. The association’s work is only pos­si­ble through dona­ti­ons. Noven­tiz has been sup­port­ing Hel­ping Hands Colo­gne for seve­ral years.

  • Akti­on Baum e.V.
    The non-pro­fit orga­niza­ti­on Akti­on Baum plants trees across Ger­ma­ny in local forests with the help of dona­ti­on part­ners. The focus is pri­ma­ri­ly on refo­res­t­ing dama­ged are­as cau­sed by bark beet­le infe­sta­ti­ons, storms, or drought. Noven­tiz sup­ports this good cau­se with a dona­ti­on equi­va­lent to about 1,000 trees, which will be plan­ted and cared for in Ger­ma­ny.

In this spi­rit, we wish you peaceful and rela­xing days as well as a hap­py new year 2025!

We’re experts in packaging licensing, all types of take-back solutions and the assessment of recyclability in accordance with Section 21 of the German Packaging Act (VerpackG).
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