The Ger­man Ein­weg­kunst­stoff­fonds­ge­setz (EWK­FondsG): What inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies need to know

The Ger­man Ein­weg­kunst­stoff­fonds­ge­setz (EWK­FondsG): What inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies need to know


What is the EWK­FondsG?

Defi­ni­ti­on & Over­view

The EU Direc­ti­ve 2019/904 aimed at redu­cing the envi­ron­men­tal impact of cer­tain pla­s­tic pro­ducts ser­ves as the basis for the Ger­man Ein­weg­kunst­stoff­fonds­ge­setz (Sin­gle-use Pla­s­tics Fund Act), also known as the EWK­FondsG. The law regu­la­tes the natio­nal imple­men­ta­ti­on of the EU direc­ti­ve in Ger­ma­ny and will app­ly from 01.01.2024. The Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tics Fund Act intro­du­ces the Exten­ded Pro­du­cer Respon­si­bi­li­ty (EPR) for cer­tain sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts.

The law sti­pu­la­tes that pro­du­cers and dis­tri­bu­tors of sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts and pack­a­ging pay into a joint fund on a pro rata basis. This fund will then be used to cover for ins­tance the cos­ts of clea­ning public spaces of the­se pro­ducts and their pack­a­ging or was­te manage­ment mea­su­res. The fund also finan­ces awa­re­ness-rai­sing mea­su­res to edu­ca­te peo­p­le about the con­se­quen­ces of lit­te­ring.

Aims of the Law

The pri­ma­ry objec­ti­ves of this law are to redu­ce envi­ron­men­tal pol­lu­ti­on, pro­mo­te recy­cling and rai­se public awa­re­ness of the pro­blems cau­sed by sin­gle-use pla­s­tics. In the long term, the aim is to pro­mo­te more sus­tainable was­te manage­ment and the respon­si­ble use of resour­ces.

Key­po­ints of the EWK­FondsG

Which pro­ducts and/or pack­a­gings are affec­ted?

The obli­ga­ti­on to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tic Fund rela­tes to sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts. The­se are pro­ducts that con­sist enti­re­ly or par­ti­al­ly of pla­s­tic. The pro­por­ti­on of pla­s­tic in the over­all pro­duct is not decisi­ve. Cof­fee-to-go cups, for exam­p­le, which are lar­ge­ly made of paper and are only cover­ed with a thin lay­er of pla­s­tic, are affec­ted. Howe­ver, mate­ri­als made from natu­ral poly­mers that have not been che­mi­cal­ly modi­fied are exempt from the regu­la­ti­on.

Sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts are manu­fac­tu­red for sin­gle use and not for mul­ti­ple use cycles. This means for ins­tance that they are not retur­ned to the manu­fac­tu­rer or dis­tri­bu­tor, such as reusable pla­s­tic bot­t­les.

Which com­pa­nies are affec­ted by the Ger­man EWK­FondsG?

In gene­ral, all com­pa­nies that are estab­lished in Ger­ma­ny and sell sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts com­mer­ci­al­ly on the Ger­man mar­ket are affec­ted by the EWK­FondsG. Inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies must also com­ply with the regu­la­ti­ons if they sell their pro­ducts direct­ly to pri­va­te end con­su­mers or other users in Ger­ma­ny. Howe­ver, the defi­ni­ti­on of a manu­fac­tu­rer is dif­fe­rent here than in the Ger­man Pack­a­ging Act: it is irrele­vant for the EWK­FondsG whe­ther the sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­duct is sold fil­led or unfil­led. The decisi­ve fac­tor is that it is made available on the Ger­man mar­ket for the first time.

The­re are two ways to cla­ri­fy uncer­tain­ties as to whe­ther your com­pa­ny is affec­ted:

Check­list: What do pro­du­cers have to do now?

Check the fol­lo­wing two points:

If your ans­wer to both ques­ti­ons is “yes”, you will need to take the fol­lo­wing steps:

Ein­weg­kunst­stoff­fonds­ge­setz – what you need to know to regis­ter on DIVID

Regis­tra­ti­on on the DIVID online plat­form of the Ger­man Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tics Fund has been pos­si­ble sin­ce 1 April 2024. The Fede­ral Envi­ron­ment Agen­cy has set up the plat­form to enable all regis­tra­ti­ons, quan­ti­ty reports and the pro­ces­sing of levies to be imple­men­ted digi­tal­ly. The pro rata dis­tri­bu­ti­on and allo­ca­ti­on of funds to cities, muni­ci­pa­li­ties and bene­fi­ci­a­ries also takes place via DIVID.

From now on, requi­red manu­fac­tu­r­ers based in Ger­ma­ny can regis­ter on DIVID:

  • You can regis­ter free of char­ge at via your ELSTER com­pa­ny account.
  • If pro­du­cers have alre­a­dy star­ted their acti­vi­ties befo­re 1 Janu­ary 2024, regis­tra­ti­on must be com­ple­ted by 31 Decem­ber 2024.
  • Pro­du­cers who have star­ted their acti­vi­ties from 1 Janu­ary 2024 have to regis­ter imme­dia­te­ly.

Howe­ver, the legal obli­ga­ti­on to pay fees will app­ly to all man­da­to­ry com­pa­nies from 2024 and is inde­pen­dent of whe­ther and when regis­tra­ti­on has taken place.

Pay­ment of the sin­gle-use pla­s­tic fee

The first pay­ment of the sin­gle-use pla­s­tic fee will not be made until 2025 and will be based on the sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts put on mar­ket in 2024. In sub­se­quent years, pay­ments will con­ti­nue to be made annu­al­ly for the pre­vious year.

The sin­gle-use pla­s­tic fee is due one month after receipt of the levy noti­ce, unless the noti­ce spe­ci­fies a dif­fe­rent due date. If a manu­fac­tu­rer has not sub­mit­ted a report, an esti­ma­te is made by the Fede­ral Envi­ron­ment Agen­cy on the basis of pre­vious reports and other available data.

Sin­gle-use pla­s­tic levy: What are the cos­ts for a pro­du­cer?

The fees are lis­ted in the Dis­posable Pla­s­tics Fund Ordi­nan­ce and can be view­ed the­re. They app­ly in euros and are sta­ted per kilo­gram­me. The fol­lo­wing table pro­vi­des an over­view of the dif­fe­rent cate­go­ries:

Grafik Preisübersicht EWKFondsG Food containers: 0,177€/kg Bags and film packaging: 0,8760,177€/kg Beverage containers with deposit: 0,1810,177€/kg Beverage containers without deposit: 0,0010,177€/kg Beverage cups: 1,2360,177€/kg Lightweight plastic carrier bags: 3,8010,177€/kg Wet wipes: 0,0610,177€/kg Balloons: 4,3400,177€/kg Tobacco products with filters and filters for use in combination with tobacco products: 8,9720,177€/kg

Con­se­quen­ces of vio­la­ti­ons of the EWK­FondsG: Fines and dis­tri­bu­ti­on bans

Com­pli­ance with the law is moni­to­red by the Ger­man Fede­ral Envi­ron­ment Agen­cy. Ope­ra­tors of elec­tro­nic mar­ket­places and ful­film­ent ser­vice pro­vi­ders also have a con­trol func­tion. They are legal­ly obli­ged to only allow the offe­ring of sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts or only pro­vi­de ser­vices in rela­ti­on to sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts if the manu­fac­tu­r­ers of the­se pro­ducts are pro­per­ly regis­tered.

In addi­ti­on, suspec­ted vio­la­ti­ons of the Ger­man EWK­FondsG can be repor­ted to the Fede­ral Envi­ron­ment Agen­cy via

Com­pa­nies that vio­la­te the law must expect high fines or even con­fis­ca­ti­on of the sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts in ques­ti­on. The pro­vi­si­ons on fines can be found in Sec­tion 26 EWK­FondsG and can be as fol­lows, for exam­p­le:

  • A regis­tra­ti­on was not made at all, not made cor­rect­ly, not made com­ple­te­ly or not made in time: In this case, a fine of up to 100,000 euros may be impo­sed.
  • A report was not made, not made cor­rect­ly, not made com­ple­te­ly or not made in time: This can result in a fine of up to 10,000 euros.


The Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tics Fund Act is an important step towards a more sus­tainable future. Howe­ver, it also poses a chall­enge for com­pa­nies. It for­mu­la­tes fur­ther legal requi­re­ments that manu­fac­tu­r­ers must ful­fil and thus increa­ses com­ple­xi­ty.

If you need sup­port, we are here for you. We are experts in the field of envi­ron­men­tal legis­la­ti­on and help com­pa­nies to ful­fil the incre­asing­ly com­plex legal requi­re­ments.

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